I stopped posting updates to this blog almost one year ago. At the time, I was deeply involved in producing yet another academic paper (It’s out!) and we had just had our second child.
I still like the process of writing my ideas and sharing them with others. But the process has become too time consuming. And, sadly, the payoff in a noisy world is pretty thin.
Having some experience of the whole key-opinion-leader (KOL) process I don’t think that I’m ever going to be very successful on that path.
Three key decisions are relevant for the current post
- Commission somebody to redesign this site. I need to make it more navigable, so that you the reader can access the more relevant posts on your first visit.
- Post considerably less frequently. Yes I will begin to write again, but the articles will only be posted after the redesign.
- Display a thread of some of my most relevant articles as a first contact point for the interim. (Coming next week).
About me
I am still a life-sciences and technology founder. I still prefer the technical rather than business role, although I frequently do both albeit rarely at the same time. I came very close to founding a Software-as-a-InVitro-Diagnostic (SaIVD) company in 2023, unfortunately our hopes did not come to fruition. I earn my income from advising others on Team, Architecture and Build. Mostly I get paid to solve serious problems. I also do due diligence for investors.